5% of profits support Endangered & Threatened Species.©Juliet Whitsett |Social: @juliet_whitsett_art COLOR PALETTE SAMPLED FROM IMAGES OF THE PIPING PLOVER:SPECIES INFO:"The Piping Plover is a small, yet charismatic shorebird that spends its lifetime on the shorelines of lakes, rivers, and oceans of central and eastern North A
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Barton Springs Salamander (Eurycea sosorum)- Endangered Texas Salamander Art
5% of profits support Endangered & Threatened Species.The Barton Springs Salamander is found only in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer and its contributing zone.... ©Juliet Whitsett |Social: @juliet_whitsett_artCOLOR PALETTE SAMPLED FROM IMAGES OF THE BARTON SPRINGS SALAMANDER. SPECIES INFO:"The scientific name, Eurycea sos
Read MoreFort Worth Botanic Garden | BRIT : Explore the Shapes and Colors of Cacti by Making Matisse-Inspired Art
On July 17th, 2021 Join Juliet Whitsett as she teaches a Cactus- inspired class at Fort Worth Botanic Garden | BRIT>>>Explore the Shapes and Colors of Cacti by Making Matisse-Inspired ArtWhen the health of the famous French post-impressionist painter Henri Matisse declined, the artist adopted a new way of making art: cut-outs. Matiss
Read MoreNorthern Scarlet Snake- (Cemophora coccinea copei) Texas Threatened Reptile
Northern Scarlet Snake- (Cemophora coccinea copei) Texas Threatened ReptileAccording to iNaturalist Guides, the Northern Scarlet snake (Cemophora coccinea copei) "... prefer soft, sandy or loamy soils for burrowing... and are found from New Jersey, along the Atlantic Coast to Florida, and west to Texas and Oklahoma". This next
Read MoreTravis Audubon's Article: Meet Juliet Whitsett, the Artist Behind the New Shirt
My Golden-cheeked Warbler image was chosen to promote the Travis Audubon Society Birdathon this year! I love the Rachel Carson quote from her essay "Help Your Child to Wonder" that they included. ☀️"No child should grow up unaware of the dawn chorus of the birds in the spring. He will never forget the experience of a specially planned early ri
Read MorePOP ART MUSSELS & Endangered Texas Hornshell Art
POP ART MUSSELS?!?!“Texas Hornshell (Poenaias popeii)"- Endangered Aquatic Invertebrate I am excited to share that I have been invited by ISEA (Informal Science Education Association) to speak about my art and share a fun science-based art activity of my design at their 2021 conference this year. It's an honor for me because I'll be speaking
Read MoreSandbank Pocketbook (Lampsilis satura) Threatened Texas Aquatic Invertebrate
I'm of the (recently discovered) opinion that everyone should know about freshwater mussels...Sandbank Pocketbook (Lampsilis satura) paletteIf you like to play in clean and clear fresh waters, you can thank nature’s filters- the native freshwater mussels. There are 52 mussel species in Texas and 15 are listed as Threatened in Texas. ⠀⠀Featured h
Read MoreSooty Tern (Sterna fuscata)
This artwork & color palette is based on a true power-napper. Texas' Threatened Bird- The Sooty Tern apparently sleeps on the wing...These impressive threatened birds spend the vast majority of their life at sea (apparently up to 10 years!). Since they don't float, and can't rest easily. I have read that they take micro-naps (1 or 2-seconds) w
Read MoreThe Threatened Texas Series
"Study Nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd WrightBeautiful colors...As an artist, you would assume that I think a lot about color. It’s true! As a painter, I practice color mixing, blending, subtle changes, stark contrasts. As an Art Educator, I think about color theory and how I can share so
Read MoreHow to make a Transforming Origami Star & Origami Wreath - (Our Holiday Tradition)
Today I'm sharing a gift with you- a personal art project... one of our holiday traditions... In 2010 I enjoyed my very first holiday with my eventual stepson. As an 8 year old, he led us in creating a collaborative transforming origami star/ wreath.The best part was that this art project came from a brave, young Kai. He took a chance with me and
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