Unique Gift Benefits American Bumblebees this Holiday!

Unique Gift Benefits American Bumblebees this Holiday!

Looking for a way to show your honey some love & help Endangered, Threatened & Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) this holiday season? Think Mini-Painting! This season I am creating a series of mini American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus - SGCN) paintings and a portion of the proceeds will benefit Texas SGCN! 

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The Swift Fox

The Swift Fox

ABOUT SWIFT FOX:“Swift Foxes are characteristically nocturnal animals, although they are sometimes active during the daytime as well. The leave their dens at night to hunt and rarely move far from their dens. They rely on speed and nearness to their dens for safety. Foxes from many different family groups may hunt in the same territory, but not nec

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Meet the Threatened Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)

Meet the Threatened Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)

Bats are incredible creatures... though I had to unlearn so much cultural coding to really understand that... Waaaay back when I was in high school I was lucky enough to qualify to participate in a Save the Rainforest study trip in Belize...  Even cooler- I went with my best friend.  Together we spent one week in the rainforest learn

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Endangered Ocelot Art Helps RAWA

Endangered Ocelot Art Helps RAWA

Want to do something good for the world today? THIS is an easy one...There is some bipartisan legislation on the table that is getting support called Recovering America's Wildlife Act. It will help more species stay off of the Endangered Species List- (Pictured is the only species that I have painted that resides on that scary list. The Ocelot- Leo

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Davis Mountain Cottontail

Davis Mountain Cottontail

A few years ago we camped & hiked as a family in the Davis Mountains... sure wish we would have caught a glimpse at the Sylvilagus robustus aka the Davis Mountain Cottontail. ABOUT DAVIS MOUNTAIN COTTONTAIL“Davis Mountain cottontails, live in mountains of the southern United States and northern Mexico. They live between the Rio Grande River in

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White-nosed syndrome art activism. Meet the Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii - SGCN)

White-nosed syndrome art activism. Meet the Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii - SGCN)

White-nosed syndrome is is taking a major toll on our bat friends. According to White-nose Syndrome Response Team "White-nose syndrome (WNS) is known to predominantly affect hibernating bats. More than half of the 47 bat species living in the United States and Canada rely on hibernation for winter survival.Currently, 12 bat species, including

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East Austin Studio Tour Event: URGENT ART MAIL (All ages Welcome)/ Date: November 16, 2019/Time: 1-3 pm/Texas is home to well over 1,300 plant and animal species known as “Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN).” Join Artist Juliet Whitsett, Owner of Giddyup Art Studio, in an ART MAIL postcard campaign to draw attention to Reco

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Meet Texas' Threatened Texas Kangaroo Rat

Meet Texas' Threatened Texas Kangaroo Rat

Meet Texas’ Threatened Species~ The Texas Kangaroo Rat.I have been learning so much about Texas' Endangered, Threatened and Species of Greatest Conservation Needs.  This acrylic painting of the Threatened Texas Species was a sweet one to paint.  Texas Parks and Wildlife has put out an incredible video that helped me learn so much.  (

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Meet Texas' Threatened Palo Duro Mouse

Meet Texas' Threatened Palo Duro Mouse

This work of Palo Duro Mouse (Peromyscus truei comanche) was an important beginning to my series on Texas' Endangered, Threatened & Species of Greatest Conservation Need.   It is said to only live in 3 Texas counties! My husband is from Amarillo, and we have spent many lovely afternoons hiking Palo Duro Canyon.  We even tra

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Painting a swimming rabbit! Meet the Swamp Rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus- ).

Painting a swimming rabbit! Meet the Swamp Rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus- ).

Did you know there are over 1,300 species on the Species of Greatest Conservation Need list in Texas alone?ABOUT THE SWAMP RABBIT:“The swamp rabbit, as the name suggests, inhabits poorly drained river bottoms and coastal marshes. Well adapted to a semi-aquatic habitat in that its dense fur “waterproofs” its skin, the animal is at home in the water.

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