Discover precious species that call Texas home with unique hands-on activities highlighting a different endangered species each day, March 16–18. Texas Artist, Juliet Whitsett, will facilitate activities each day at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Juliet has been bringing awareness to Endangered, Threatened and Species of Greatest Conservation Need with her conservation art series THREATENED TEXAS. Work alongside Juliet to create works of art that will celebrate and inspire you to protect the incredibly diverse species in our home state.
Each day's unique activity will last 1 hour, and be offered at 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. Activities are designed for children five years and older. Tickets are $12/child or $6/member child. Caregivers are invited to create alongside their children. Exhibit admission is not included. Learn more about each day's activity and register for programs below.
Wednesday, March 16
Sea Turtle Watercolors
Play with watercolor as you learn about Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, the smallest and most endangered of all sea turtle species. Discover how Texas has played a part in their conservation while creating your own sea turtle masterpiece using a fun art technique!
Thursday, March 17
Texas Horned Lizard Magnets
Reuse everyday objects to create magnets inspired by the Texas horned lizard. Whether you call them horny toads, horned frogs or Texas horned lizard, show your love for the Texas state reptile by making a unique recycled materials artwork.
Friday, March 18
Whooping Crane Collages
Piece together a colorful collage celebrating North America's tallest bird, the whooping crane. Find out why this rare bird species calls Texas its winter home, as you choose from various recycled materials to create your collage.